How to be Excited Yet Zen During Your Wedding Planning


You are getting married!  Wow!  Just that statement gets your adrenaline flowing!  From the moment that he finally pops the question to the rushing off to the honeymoon, there are decisions and excitement and a range of emotions that are magnified by one of the biggest events of your life.  It is a beautiful ting to be excited but you must also learn to be Zen or calm during all the wonderful chaos.

The wedding planning experience can be overwhelming.  You have to make so many decisions with so many factors.  Where are you going to get married?  Uncle Rob got married in St. Paul’s but you always envisioned getting married under the palm trees in your in the Riviera Maya.  You have to try to create your dream wedding with the idea that you have to please everyone.  First of all, realize that is an impossible task.  To remain calm is to realize you cannot please everyone.

It is ok for your wedding day to be a bit selfish.  This is your day after all.  You have probably been mentally planning this most of your life.  By the time the proposal comes you most likely will know most of how you want the big day to go.  It is still a process and it takes time.  Here we want to share some ways to keep calm even when it doesn’t feel so calm.

1. Yes it sounds so simple but when we get stressed our breath gets shallow or we hold our breath all together and that puts our body into stress mode.  Take a few moment to take deep belly breaths.  It is even better is it is outside in fresh air.

2. This brings us to #2: go outside.  Nothing better than a walk alone or with a friend or your betrothed.  Nature is soothing and can get us out of places that make us feel closed in.  The open sky above you or the sounds of the birds in the trees all work to bring down those cortisol levels.  When you are getting married in the Riviera Maya you can experience nature on another level such as walking the beach and finding mama turtles laying their eggs.  You can’t get closer to nature than that!

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3.  Whether you are already a practicing yogini or you are thinking “yoga what?” you can find a few moments to strike a few poses to stretch and relax.  Running around trying on dresses or sitting at the computer learning all there is to know about the Riviera Maya for your destination wedding can cause muscle strains or knots so get that mat out and work your yogini magic.  Here in Playa you will find a menu of incredible yoga teachers and masters to help you with your flow.

4. Now that you are all warmed up from yoga, get that heart rate up.  Whether you like to pump iron at the gym or run a few miles, get moving.  Exercise is a great way to get the endorphins running and that cake tasting off your rear!


5. Eat healthy. Oops we just mentioned cake tasting!  Now you need to balance it with some superfoods.  Many brides want to look their best on their wedding day.  The easiest was to do that combined with step number 4 above is to eat right.  Eating healthy will help you stay in shape as well as make your skin and hair glow.  Color is the best way to go if you are not a nutrition expert.  The most healthy way is to add color in your diet (we are talking veggies not skittles girls).  A wide range of colorful fruits and veggies will get your glowing in no time.

6. Bubbly time. No not the kind in the flute glass, that is for your reception.  Bubble baths!  Yes nothing makes you relax more than a warm bubble bath with essential oils and candlelight.  Put on some music or soothing sounds and just let the stress evaporate with the steam rising away from you.


7. Ooo that’s a good idea! Music!  Sometimes we want to reminisce to some tunes when we first met out love.  Or we want to get up and boogie and shake it to some Katy Perry.  We may just want something soothing and instrumental.  Whatever your need is, Mr. Music has it.  Load up that iPod with different files with fun names and carry it around with you like a security blanket to escape when ever need be.

8. Go nostalgic. Oh how did all this get started? Well way back when….. Get out those photos of you and your partner when you first met.  Remember those awkward first dates.  This can make you realize that this person is worth the work of planning this big day.

9. Goddess time! Laughter is the best medicine.  Go out there and meet up with some sistahs and drink some wine and celebrate your Divine Feminine.  Nothing getting dressed up and being with important people to make you realize that life is great!

10. A romantic date with the “old ball and chain”. That used to be a condescending way to refer to your spouse but if that are great why wouldn’t you want to be chained to them, right? Take a time out and reconnect.  Planning a wedding with a job and other daily responsibilities can make it hard to connect.  Even if it means you have to pencil your partner in your agenda, do it!  Remember why you are planning this, to spend your life with this great person!

11. Be alone. Sometimes we just need to be alone and that is ok too.  Enjoy a meditation break or a walk on the beach.  Take some time to journal.  These are moments you will want to remember.  And don’t forget to hug yourself in these times too.

Another way to reduce the stress is to have everything in line for your wedding.  Hire a professional hairstylist such as Doranna for your wedding day.  This makes you feel pampered and like a princess moments before you take that walk down the aisle.  Check out our website for hair style ideas.


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