Pre-Wedding T.I.G.H.T.E.N. ~ Getting Your Best Body for Your Big Day

As soon as the high from saying “yes” wears off, often the nerves arrive about how you will look in that wedding gown you have always dreamed about. Unless we are a marathon runner (and maybe even if we are), we are often concerned about the shape our body is in, especially for a big event. and what is a bigger event than our WEDDING! And a destination wedding in the Riviera Maya means you will be showing some skin and may want a tighter fitting dress.  This system will help you meet your goal to look your best on your big day!

Woman Receiving Engagement Ring

We have come up with a system that follows the acronym T.I.G.H.T.E.N. The first step is to start RIGHT NOW!  Don’t wait and think you have a long time because you set a date 18 months from now.  They will fly by! Start now.  You can be gentle with yourself by starting now and go slow and easy.  Getting fit doesn’t mean 3 hours a day at the gym.  Consistency is the key.

Let’s begin.


Tone. Toning can be easy and no you do not have to go to the gym.  If the gym will motivate you, go for it.  But if the extra expense doesn’t fit into your wedding budget or if you cringe at trying to find the time to go to the gym, then you can find everything you want at home to do this.

Extra weights are great if you have them but you can also find weights all over your home.  Full detergent bottles, vegetable cans, etc. can work as well.  If you have hand weights or work out bands, all the better but do not feel you have to go invest money to do this.  You can also tone with resistance training with your own weight.  That way you can exercise no matter where you are.


It is easy to find workout routines nowadays online.  You can find short ones too anywhere from 2 minutes to an hour.  Vary your workouts from yoga to interval workouts.  The key is to never get bored.

Invigorate. Pampering yourself is part of getting the best body.  Treat yourself once a week to a massage or an invigorating tub soak.  Add herbs to your foods or oils to your teas to give them an extra spark, as well as, zaz to their flavor.  Get excited about life and your 5 senses. Enjoy each moment of the planning process.  You won’t be a bride-to-be forever!


Get moving. This sounds like going to the gym and getting in a step class but it doesn’t have to be.  Get up out of bed 20 minutes early and take a walk.  Walking can also be a calming meditation and a great way to get ideas.  Do squats while you are brushing your teeth. Jump up and down while cooking that pasta. Even small changes like parking at a far away parking space will help you get moving and raise your metabolism and energy level.

Hydrate. This is the most important for your health and nerves.  Drinking water will help you feel good, glow and stay healthy.  If you aren’t a great water drinker, trick yourself until you are.  Add lemon to hot water in the morning to get a cleansing effect from the night and to boost your metabolism.  Make fresh waters by adding cucumber, strawberry, lemon, mint to your water.  Buy a beautiful glass drinking bottle to take with you that you love and keep it filled up at all times.  You can even buy essential oils (Please be sure they are safe to consume. Not all brands or kinds are.) to keep in your purse to add to your water.  In these days you can even buy portable packs of powdered supplements or teas to take with you.


Teas are a great way to keep hydrated too, whether hot or cold.  Fruit waters a lighter than juices but still are packed with nutrients.  And, of course, juices will be a good choice, especially in the morning if you are on the go.

Tan. This needs to be done responsibly.  If you are the one everyone admires because you walk out in the sun and start to turn a beautiful olive tone, this will be easy for you.  But if you are of Nordic descent you may opt for self-tanning booths or products.  The key to this step is just to get a healthy glow.  Everyone looks a bit slimmer too with a tan.   WARNING: this is not the step to do the week before your wedding!  (Especially if you are having a destination wedding in Mexico, such as Cancun or Playa del Carmen, you are there to get married not get the tan of your life.) Do not rush this.  You do not want to walk down the aisle and people wonder who the lobster is getting married.  Nor do you want to be a peeling mess.  A little goes a long way.  And no matter your melanin level, always use sunscreen!

Eat healthy.  Again, this doesn’t have to be a sudden life shifting change or you will hate it!  Try adding some snacks to your car or purse and snack throughout the day to keep your blood sugar even and keep you from binging at meals.  Nuts and dried fruits are a great way to munch during the day and get nutrients and good fats.  Try adding a salad to meals instead of replacing meals with it.  You will get the nutrients and fill up a bit but won’t deprive yourself of a yummy meal. If you do not have time for a meal, rather than skipping it can you grab a smoothie somewhere or make it and take it with you? Simple easy steps will make this a fun journey.


Nourish yourself. This is more about mind and spirit rather than body.  You are hydrating and eating healthy now.  Focus also on your emotional and mental well-being.  Yoga is a great way to get fit as well as connect with your body.  Tune in and ask your body what it needs.  If you are quiet enough, it will tell you. Meditation doesn’t have to be 20-30 minutes of quiet time because honestly where are we going to find that? Take 5 minute breaks from the computer to practice and focus on your breathing and posture. Too long? Take a 2 minute break.  Deep breath or chant mantras in the car at stop lights (if you are alone that is).  Stretch.  There is not enough value placed on stretching! It feels so good and connects you to your body releasing lactic acid and endorphins.  Again, simple small steps and the tortoise wins the race.

Keys to remember are:

°Try to get going right out of bed in the morning before the day robs you of time.

°Journal about your progress.

°Be gentle with yourself. If you miss a day or binge on ice cream, just begin again now.  There is always a new now. It’s right now!

°Have a cheat day or two! You deserve it.

°Do not compare yourself to others.  Map your progress against yourself.

You may not see the changes right away but starting early and being consistent will create changes.  Take photos from the beginning because soft slight changes add up but you may not notice them each day.  Take a photo in the same clothes and in the same position with the same background and check it every month You will be surprised at the results. Now you have no worries to have that dreamed of destination wedding in the Riviera Maya (maybe Tulum or Akumal).  You are going to look your best and might even want to wear a bikini down the aisle!


Now you have no worries to have that dreamed of destination wedding in the Riviera Maya.  You are going to look your best and might even want to wear a bikini down the aisle!

Now, remember that a healthy regime and body are reflected in glowing skin and shiny hair.  It will be an honor for me to work with you and your ladies for hair and makeup on your wedding day.  It will be the cherry on the top of being pampered for the big day.  I can transform your wedding day into a whimsical adventure!

-Doranna De Bortoli & Team



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